Representation Matters: Help bring this book to the world..

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  • $10.00+ : I don't need a book-but I must support!
  • $25.00+ : A softcover book.
  • $60.00+ : A hardcover book and a sticker pack.
  • $100.00+ : 2 softcovers donated to BESA (a charitable organization), 1 for you.
  • $250+ : 3 hardcovers donated to BESA, 1 for you.
  • $500.00+ : Virtual Author Visit and 3 hardcover books for you.


Daydreamers Press is a small, Black woman owned business with a focus on curating books, media, and related programming, especially for children. Its existence is a part of the legacy of Black storytelling, art, and advocacy for representation and justice. We publish content that highlights perspectives and knowledges of multicultural communities. Founder Carlotta Penn is a writer and educator who holds a doctorate in multicultural education.